Cape Fear Isshin-Ryu Karate Summer Camp Program
Cape Fear Isshin-Ryu offers a summer karate camp for elementary and middle school aged students. Registration is limited. Our program offers karate for an hour each day and participation in active play such as dodgeball, nerf games, frisbee tag, obstacle courses, team building exercises, sword fighting, and more. In addition we will take field trips and have special activities (technology – i.e. coding and stop motion animation) and mini camps (i.e. our eagerly anticipated week of Color Wars Camp Days). Our daily field trips will include, but are not limited to the park, skating, swimming, and more!
Come Join us for the Best Summer Fun
Summer Camp Schedule
Drop off/Free play
Special Activities
Change for Karate
Snack Time
Games/Team Building/Group Skills
Movie Time/Games-Free play (until parent pick-up)
Special Activities
Monday — Legion Stadium Pool
Tuesday — Park trip
Wednesday — Scooters Skate
Thursday — Park Trip
Friday — Legion Stadium Pool
All field trip costs are included in the registration fee. This fee is non refundable. Campers must be dropped off before 8:30 to participate in our summer trips. Snacks are provided once a day, but campers will need to pack their own lunches. We have several microwaves available for use during lunchtime. If campers forget lunch, we have prepackaged lunches available for purchase ($4.00) to be paid at pick up. Electronics can be brought by campers (for use during quiet time after lunch), but CFI is not responsible for any lost or damaged items. For further information please make sure to see our policies on our after school karate page.
*TBA activities may include but are not limited to: swimming, skating at Scooters, and bowling. Campers will also have opportunities to participate in technology activities led by Sensei Byron (Murrayville’s Mr. Holland) and team competitions like our “COLOR WARS” throughout the summer.
Tuition and Fees
5 days per week – $170.00 week
3 days per week – $120.00 week
One time summer registration cost $95.00.
Campers may register for single weeks without registering for the entire summer. 5 days per week (Non-registered) $185 week ($25 non-refundable deposit required to hold non-registered camper’s spot).
Field trip costs are included in weekly tuition costs.
If your child does not have a student uniform, he or she will need to purchase one before they are able to receive their first promotion. A student uniform (includes white belt) costs $45.00.
If your child receives a promotion during the summer, a $20 testing fee will apply (this includes the testing fee and a new belt).
Full time students who register for the entire summer can use one week per summer for a vacation week (no tuition charges). The request for a vacation week must be made in writing and submitted a minimum of one week prior to the date of the requested week to qualify. (Example – vacation week request for 6/24/24 must be requested by 6/17/24 in writing).
Call for any special needs and part time options (910) 392-3703.
Please print and fill out the forms or click here to submit electronically.