- What was Master Shimabuku’s birth name? (Shinkichi Shimabukuro)
- What date did Isshinryu become and official style? (Jan. 15, 1954)
- In what manner are you fighting in Naihanchi kata? (with your back on a wall)
- What does the orange ring around the mizu gami signify? (fire)
- How many required kiai’s are in Naihanchi kata? (1)
- What style of martial arts did Choki Motobu teach? (a version of shorin ryu)
- Name one thing that differentiates Isshinryu from other karate styles. (Vertical fist, Sunsu kata, upright stances, low kicks, 8 open hand katas…)
- Name one first generation Isshinryu student. (Harold Long, Sherman Harrill, Don Nagle, Don Bohan, Harold Mitchum, Steve Armstrong, Angi Uezu, Kichiro Shimabuku, Shinso Shimbabuku, Don’t say Bill Blond)
- What are the three arrows of karate? (Mental, Physical, Spiritual)
- How do you say 32 in japanese? (San-ju-ni)
Which Style of karate did the following katas come from?
- Seisan (Shorin-ryu)
- Seiuchin (Goju-ryu)
- Naihanchi (Shorin-ryu)
- Yudansha (Black Belt holder)
- Karate-ka (karate student)
- Chudan-uke (side block)
- Hisa-geri (Knee kick)
- Karate (Empty hand)
Write out the karate creed and know the eight codes.