Blue Belt

  1. What was Master Shimabuku’s birth name? (Shinkichi Shimabukuro)
  2. What date did Isshinryu become and official style? (Jan. 15, 1954)
  3. In what manner are you fighting in Naihanchi kata? (with your back on a wall)
  4. What does the orange ring around the mizu gami signify? (fire)
  5. How many required kiai’s are in Naihanchi kata? (1)
  6. What style of martial arts did Choki Motobu teach? (a version of shorin ryu)
  7. Name one thing that differentiates Isshinryu from other karate styles. (Vertical fist, Sunsu kata, upright stances, low kicks, 8 open hand katas…)
  8. Name one first generation Isshinryu student. (Harold Long, Sherman Harrill, Don Nagle, Don Bohan, Harold Mitchum, Steve Armstrong, Angi Uezu, Kichiro Shimabuku, Shinso Shimbabuku, Don’t say Bill Blond)
  9. What are the three arrows of karate? (Mental, Physical, Spiritual)
  10. How do you say 32 in japanese? (San-ju-ni)

Which Style of karate did the following katas come from?

  1. Seisan (Shorin-ryu)
  2. Seiuchin (Goju-ryu)
  3. Naihanchi (Shorin-ryu)


  1. Yudansha (Black Belt holder)
  2. Karate-ka (karate student)
  3. Chudan-uke (side block)
  4. Hisa-geri (Knee kick)
  5. Karate (Empty hand)

Write out the karate creed and know the eight codes.